Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Pasti ramai diantara kita yang sudah mendapat berita ini, lebih-lebih lagi rakyat Malaysia adalah pengguna facebook yang tegar.hehehehe, facebookers sudah tidak senang duduk apabila mendapat berita ini, walaupun berita ini dikatakan palsu akhirnya,
Mesti ramai di antara kita yang menganggap jika betul berita ini, hancurlah hidup, tapi kalau betul pun FB nak shut down, nak susah ape, hidup mesti diteruskan ler bro.....hehehe.  Dulu tak ada FB pun boleh hidup ma.
Korang rasa C Mark yang pelopor FB ni nak FB tutup k? ni bisnis berbillion ringgit, tak kan dia nak rugi,  mesti ramai diantara kita dah tahu bahawa Mark ni adalah orang yahudi dan dikatakan dia juga membantu negara Israel yang sekarang ini menzalimi rakyat Palestine.

Yang penting yalah, kita mesti bersedia dan mengatahui hakikat sebenar.  Tiada apa yang kekal, mungkin satu hari nanti FB akan tutup jugak.....dan mungkin akan ada Sosial Networking yang baru.....anda masih ingat myspace, netlog yang telah merundum apabila FB memasuki dunia perhubungan maya nie.....yang baru akan menggantikan yang lama........layan...


The company that just took in a $500 million investment from Goldman Sachs and the Russia-based Digital Sky Technologies is shutting down? That's what's being reported by none other than the Weekly World News, which posted yesterday that Facebook will be shutting down on March 15.
Yeah, right.
But while it would normally be safe to ignore the various UFO-themed news and incorrect celebrity reports stemming from this supermarket tabloid, rumors of Facebook's alleged demise have been passing through digital friendship circles to a great degree. So much so, that even Sophos' IT Security blog Naked Security has jumped into the fray to comment on the matter.
"Most people would probably never believe such a load of old nonsense as the claim that Mark Zuckerberg is going to shut down Facebook, but it only takes a small proportion of people to think it might be possible to turn a joke of a news story into an internet hoax," writes Graham Cluey.
"And although a hoax is nothing like as bad as a piece of malware worming its away between users and stealing information, it's still a nuisance, clogging up communications, increasing the overall level of spam and perhaps leading people to make decisions for the wrong reasons," he adds.
However, even though the Weekly World News' story is factually incorrect, the underlying points raised by the publication do have some merit. For example, the writer, J.B. Smitts, uses the following quote as evidence that Facebook is on the outs:
"After March 15th the whole website shuts down," said Avrat Humarthi, a made-up Vice President of Technical Affairs at Facebook. "So if you ever want to see your pictures again, I recommend you take them off the internet. You won't be able to get them back once Facebook goes out of business."
While false in Facebook's case, the actual situation brought up by the false quote is certainly possible for Web properties of all sizes. And it's a growing topic of concern as more and more turn to the nebulous Cloud to host media like important videos and family pictures-the kind of information one might hope to archive forever in the digital ether. What happens when the cloud goes away?
Remember Geocities? Purchased by Yahoo in 1999 for $3.57 billion in stock—a fraction of Facebook's current $50 billion valuation, mind you—the site was eventually shuttered by the company in October of 2009.
At that time, those behind the Internet Archive announced that they would join others in a mass attempt to preserve the "historical record" of Geocities. And nearly one year later, a group of volunteers known as The Archive Team released the entire contents of its Geocities cache as a 900-gigabyte BitTorrent file, free to download for anyone who wants their own personal copy of the now-defunct webhost.
Will we be having this same conversation twenty years from now about Facebook? We can't answer that, but we can at least tell you that you won't be seeing a BitTorrent Facebook archive pop up on March 15, 2012: The company isn't cashing in its chips just yet.
UPDATE: Facebook addressed the rumors on its Twitter account and, as expected, the social-networking site is here to stay. "We didn't get the memo about shutting down, so we'll keep working away. We aren't going anywhere; we're just getting started," Facebook tweeted.

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Jadikan diri kita menjadi lebih baik hari ke hari- (Part 1)

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